Thursday 3 December 2009


Once the animations had been rendered within 3DS, it was down to me to edit the video to coincide with the audio.

The idea was to slow down the specific sections within the video editor. I don't believe this is a good idea as it will gradually reduce the quality of the videos. This is due to the frame rate that we have used (30fps). I believe that the sections of video should have been edited within 3DS before rendering. Once I have shown the group the completed video I hope to bring up the problem of video quality at the next meeting.

I decided to use Sony Vegas Studio 9.0 to edit the video as this gave me the most control over editing the footage. The main control required was the slowing down and speeding up of the video.

At present this is the video that has been produced, the only thing missing is the environment at the end which Kiel is producing (Garden including trees, shed and grass)

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