Tuesday 8 December 2009

Environment added

Kiels environment works really well alongside the rest of the animation. He has managed to produce a good environment which doesn't look out of place when the lawnmower was added.

There are a couple of faults with the final animation though. Due to different files being used for rendering, the cam on the piston changes colour.

Another problem is with when the lawnmower is within the environment, I was asked to stop the lawnmower, so that it allowed the viewer to take in what was being seen. I took this literally so just used a static shot. What I didn't realise was that Kiel meant stop the lawnmower but keep the camera moving. So this has to be rendered again.

The final problem is with the audio, from feedback it was said that the speech was too fast, and gave the viewer no time to take in the information.

I decided to record the audio again, but due to illness the sound quality was extremely poor.

Instead I have decided to cut the initial audio into more precise information to give a better impression to the viewer.

To get the final shot correct on the animation with the environment, i had to adjust the curve editor to stop the wheels spinning. I wasn't able to completely stop that from happening, all I could do was set a segment where they didn't move before it would loop back again.
This was due to the animation being setup by Rob, and as I was unsure of where to move pieces I had to improvise. This worked well and enabled me to complete the editing succesfully.

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