Saturday, 3 October 2009

Character face continued

Over the next week I am to complete the next three tutorials based on the building of a head.

I have just completed adding my topology to 3ds using the line tool. I won't express my thoughts fully, but my word was it just a little bit tricky!

I finished my first attempt, went to connect the entire set of lines and found giant holes in it. So I thought, ok this isn't so bad i'll just go back an edit the lines. More and more triangles started to appear and I was panicing.

The good thing about finding the triangles at such an early stage was that it didn't take long to put things right. I did this by using the line tool again and reattching vertices to produce more squares.

the next stage is to start producing the shape of the face in three dimensional form. I found that when I went to view the vertices, that far to many were appearing, the tutorial shows around 240 vertices for the face. Mine was appearing with a figure closer to 5000.

I'm not sure what setting I had selected for this but I had to produce the head references again.

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