Saturday 14 November 2009

Group Meeting 4

The first week of modelling the engine has been completed. The group have encountered a number of problems while fitting the individual models together. The scaling of the models are wrong. Even though the dimensions of each piece are correct they need to be adjusted slightly to fit each piece correctly.

This is largely down to the poor views of the reference photos, and shows how important it is to have sufficient material to work from.

Due to the poor quality, I decided to research the styles of Pistons and find one that matched the style within our 2 stroke engine.

This picture was perfect for detailing what parts of the engine may look like. For me I had to use a similar style Piston and crank shaft. I did not go into full detail on the crank shaft purely as the base and top wouldn't be seen for detail to be noticed.

While building the engine it was noticed that we had not created all parts to the engine. This included the cams of the crank shaft

The Compression chamber for which the Piston would move within as well as a spark plug.

These would all be vital in producing a successful representation of how a 2 stroke engine works.

Kiel was delegated the modelling of the chamber while I was given the task of producing the cams. I also put myself forward for producing the sparkplug. I felt that I couldn't really show what I have learnt while using 3DS and the sparkplug would be a challenge.

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