Thursday 12 November 2009

Piston Part 2

following the succesful modelling of the Piston head, it was now time to produce the crank shaft, and the connecting bolts.

The chances of seeing the bolts during the animation is slim, but by producing them it gives the group alternative directions to go with the animation.

The crank shaft uses a simple shape. For this I decided to produce the outline of the shaft using the line tool.

Then use the Extrude modifier to produce the 3 dimensional shape.

The problem with the extrude tool (as stated earlier) is that the object will be ridged. As I need a smooth object for the crank shaft I decided to use the cut tool (Poly) within editable poly to produce more edges to allow me to easily manipulate the edges into a smooth shape.

I added detail by extruding a section of the shaft (centre). Using a cylinder I was then able to use the boolean to bore the mounts for the bolts to fit.

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