Tuesday 3 November 2009

Work Delegation

The group have decided to split up each task into smaller chunks where possible. The advantage of managing the work like this is that it allows each member to prove the quality of the modelling standards and animation standards which will could be a good way for each of us to learn new techniques through feedback off group members.

A rough storyboard has been created (see Group Meeting 3) but at a later stage a higher standard copy will be produced.

After group meeting 3 I was given the task of producing a voice over to give the group an outline of what should be done with the models during animation.

The modelling tasks have also been delegated.

Elaine - Carburetor

Kiel - Master cylinder

Robert - Magnetic flywheel & bottom end of cylinder

I have been given the task of producing the Piston and Crank Shaft.

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