Tuesday 13 October 2009

Back & Sides

Since my previous blog entry I have been concentrating on producing the back and sides to the head.
This consisted of copying existing quads to form the basic shape. Then by using the target weld tool, connecting the vertices together.

Here I learnt how important it is to have the features lined up. Where I was working using only one view I didn't notice that i was moving the points so far out of place that the head appeared lop sided. Even though I thought it was easier working from one view, I decided to use multiple views so I could keep track of where every vertex was being moved to.

I found the tutorial for this section to be poor. The explanation for completing this process seemed rushed, and lead to panic when I wasn't sure how to produce the side of the head.

I realised it best to think back over techniques that I had taught myself during the tutorials so far and was able to produce a full head.

After completing this process I realised that the forehead of my character was petruding too far at the front so decided to adjust this while it was fresh in my memory.

Another problem that I had spotted was the jaw line of the character. It appeared stronger than what the picture appears.

I have decided to edit this area one I have produced the lips. This is incase I am forced to edit the region anyway as it saves time by editing it twice.

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