Thursday 22 October 2009

Bump Map & Specular Map

It will appear that I have not added a bump map to my character. This is not through lack of trying. I produced a bump map within Photoshop to add to the materials but when I went to add it as a map nothing happend. I am not sure whether its incorrect settings on my 3DS or whether I have inputted the map into the wrong area. But this was the map that I setup within Photoshop.

The purpose of this is for 3DS to use the darker areas as indents (paws of the skin) on the face and the lighter areas are used as petrusions (spots and moles).

The specular Map was meant to be setup up to bring out the greasy areas of the skin. Again I couldn't seem to get this working, but tbh I think the initial texture produced in Photoshop has a little bit of difference on.

I am disapointed that I could not get either of these effects completed as it would mean that I managed to complete all of the tutorials.

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