Wednesday 14 October 2009

Giving the character some face!

Before I go on to produce some lips for my character, I have decided to give the UVW mapping a quick try.

At the start of the project i was thinking..."How hard can texturing the face be, its just a bit of Photoshop". Truthfully, I thought that all I'd have to do is cut out the face from the original topology and throw it in the materials editor within 3DS...How I was wrong!

I first had to produce a flat version of the head on which to paint onto. This was done using the "Unwrap UVW" editer.

Here it is possible to see what parts of the face aren't connected properly. I found that the vertices around the centre of the forehead were slightly out of place and had left a triangle.

Once I had managed to edit this out I had to export the map into Photoshop.

This is where the fun began. I would have to cut out parts of the topology and resize them to fit the UVW map. This process took up alot more time than I was expecting.

But for a first attempt I thought I did a good job...

All the vital parts of the face are in the right area. I haven't gone into much detail for this area as I will have to redo it for when I finish adding the lips and ears. But now I know what to expect when it comes to the real thing.

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