Wednesday 14 October 2009


I have now finished connecting up the remainder of the characters neck (after I had somehow managed not to notice!!!)

Its now time to create the ear and finally the lips.

In all honesty I got lost during the tutorial of producing the ear. The problem I found is that I started concentrating too much on what the ear in the tutorial is meant to look like, instead of using the technique and producing my own ear.

After watching the tutorial around 3 times, I decided to turn it off thinking I was familiarised with the entire process.

With some helpful tips from my group member Robert, I found that the ear wasn't so daunting after all and managed to produce this...

I found that the best way to produce the ear was to start off with the basic outline. (Using the line tool in corner mode)

I then used the extrude modifier to produce a block. This would allow me to use the cut tool (within edges mode of editable poly) to produce vertices that I could adjust.

By using the edges mode it allowed me to layout the shape of the ear and add vertices when the depth of the ear changed.

Now that I have created the ear I have decided to use target weld to attach the ear to the head. But now I have a problem with this process.

I haven't set out the area on the head where the ears would need to be connected. (Vertices are out of place and would lead to stretching if I connected the two parts in their current state).

I plan to create the lips and work on the structure of attaching the ear and head components after. Allowing me to be fully focussed on the task ahead.

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